Halfway Reflection

A couple of the behaviours I’ve had to develop for this course were better time management and planning. While the assignments are due on the same time every week, often times I have events going on throughout the week or things to do on the day they are due, so I have to work ahead. In addition, I also look ahead and view the size of the assignment and then plan on how much I can fit in around the lectures and when I need to start it. Without things like this, the assignments can catch up and start to feel like a lot. On the specific assignment Testing the Hypothesis Part 2, I almost gave up on doing it because it seemed rather repetitive and I had a lot of other stuff going on that week with exams and extracurriculars. However, I pulled through and got the assignment done because I wanted to push the boundaries of my product. I was glad I did it, because the second part revealed more about the product and brought out new ideas like a better customer service page that I would’ve never noticed. For my three tips to new students I would suggest one: planning ahead that way they always have enough time between assignments to complete them and not let them feel overbearing, two: always start the assignment before you give up, as this forces you to actually realize how much work you have to do and allows you to formulate a plan so you know really how much work you have to do, and three: consider the end goal of the assignment, as this can help tell you what you’ll get out of it and show you the benefits and motivate you more to finish it.


  1. Hey Carson, I can definitely agree that a good amount of time management is definitely necessary when taking this class. However, being that the same assignments are due the same days of every week it can get easy to manage when everything is due and when to allocate the time toward doing them. Some of the assignments seemed very repetitive to me as well but I had also powered through them. Looking forward to finishing the second half stronger.

  2. Hey Carson,
    I thought that you did a great job on this reflection. I thought it was great that you were so thorough because self reflection is an important part of anything you do, and can really help you succeed as an entrepreneur. It can be considered as a type of trial and error process. I also loved the advice that you would offer to future students looking to take this course. Specifically, I thought the first piece of advice was helpful, because preparation will help you with pretty much everything. Overall, great post!

  3. Carson,
    I think you did a very good job on this blog post. I definitely have had to work on my time management skills in this course too, even though everything is due at the same time every week like you said. I have found myself needing to work ahead as well in order to make sure I complete the assignments on time. I agree with your last point as well, you definitely get out of this course what you put into it. Good job!


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