Secret Sauce

Human capital is a large component people don’t factor in when they measure the value or worth of the business/person. The most successful businesses have the most value in the people that run them because they’re knowledge, skills, and abilities drive the business. That being said here are 5 of my unique human capital skills.

  1. Ambition - I believe I am very ambitious. I set high-reaching goals and a higher standard for myself and am going to push to get to those goals no matter what. I don’t allow being inexperienced, young, not as athletic, not as smart, or whatever to be an excuse; there is always a way to achieve the goal whether it is through yourself or others.
  2. People Person - I like to think I’m very good with people. I can connect with a variety of people and know when someone needs to be picked up and helped, or how to properly give constructive feedback. I enjoy talking and learning more about others, and am good at it.
  3. Tragedy - This is more of an experience, but I had a huge family death when I was about 13 years old. Once I fully overcame it and dealt with it, it not only made me a more mature person but gave me a better perspective on life. I now apply that concept of dealing with trauma and problems and learning how to address them, find a solution, and overcome them to all aspects of my life.
  4. Caring - I believe I am a very caring and understanding person. I’m very good at listening to people’s problems, being empathetic, and then offering solutions or ways to help them get better.
  5. Problem Solving - I am a very good problem solver no matter how small the issue may be. I’m great at looking at the situation, determining the problem, and then finding the best way to adapt and fix it.


    1. Gareth McHugh
    -I interviewed Gareth, one of my good friends who I met last year. He cited my writing, communication, and calmness as things that make me different.

    2. Gianna LoGiudice

    -I interviewed Gianna, who I met in one of my classes last year and who knows me very well. She cited my dedication as well as having a balance that makes me different.

    3. Sam Fisher

    -I interviewed Sam Fisher, one of my closest friend who I met through my fraternity. He cited my even temperament, networking ability, and high business knowledge for my age that makes me different.  

    4. Diana Wittich

    -I interviewed Diana Wittich, someone who I met at another school but still knows me pretty well. She cited my bright personality, intelligence, and willingness to get involved which sets me apart. 

    5. Austin Palov

    -I interviewed Austin Palov, an older brother who I met and got close with last year. He cited my communication skills as what sets me apart, specifically with a diverse range of people.  

        Conducting the interviews after my self reflection, I do see some similarities and differences. Many people said I had great communication skills, which is something I mentioned in my reflection when I said I believe I am a good people person. The same can be said about ambition, which came up in several of my interviews and they cited my dedication and hard work. The biggest thing I think I would have to correct is adding my calm temperament, as I often forget that I'm able to maintain my cool in stressful situations and be able to solve the problem at hand without freaking out.


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