Customer Avator

My customer avator is a 20 year old male who enjoys working out and doing physical activity. He probably drives a red nissan altima and watches shows like The Office or Parks and Rec. Assuming the young age, he probably has no kids but enjoys reading books like Harry Potter or Basketball and Other Things. He’s probably either more conservative or not involved in politics. He also probably wants to add more weight but has trouble putting on muscle. He also probably has a bad diet, and has a fast metabolism because of his weight. His ultimate goal is to get in shape and have a look big.

I have a couple things in common with my customer, specifically the skinny part and the similar likes and interests. This is because one, we are similar in age, and two, a lot of the reason I came up with this idea was to solve solutions for people like me, who eat a lot or poorly and workout but never put on weight. For this reason, I don’t think it’s a coincidence, but rather something that came out as a result of my ideas. My consumer market is similar to me because I thought of the product for someone like me.


  1. Awesome job with this post! I really like the addition of the picture that you included with this post to really give us a good idea of who your prototypical customer is. I can also tell you have put a lot of thought into this and I find it interesting that you have a few things in common with your customer avatar. I personally think it would be very challenging to develop a product or service if we didn't have some sort of personal connection to it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Carson,
    I thought you did an excellent job on this assignment. I thought that you were incredibly thorough when it came to developing your customer avatar, which is great because the more you know about your prototypical customer, the more successful your product and business can be. I also thought it was interesting that you identified with your avatar, as I did as well. I feel that these similarities can help entrepreneurs better identify how to pivot their different products, services, and business tactics, so that they can provide a service that is best for their customers. Great job and keep up the great work!

  3. Hi Carson, Good job with your avatar and describing your market. There is definitely a lot of your prototypical customer around here so that's good! I understand the struggle of putting on more weight. It makes sense that it is no coincidence that you came up with this business idea! If you strongly feel this need, it is likely that others, with similar circumstances as you (being a student, student budget, metabolism, etc.) do too! This is very clear and straight forward. Thank you! PS- I'm trying to bulk so let me know if you follow through! :)

  4. Hey Carson!

    I think you did a great job on this assignment, I really can tell that this prototypical customer was based on an average college male. Knowing from some of my friends, I know putting on muscle is a real big issue for people starting off at the gym. I think if your product answers questions and caters towards that, it will be extremely successful.


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