Figuring out buyer behavior part 2

For my second set of interviews I selected three separate friends who went to Southwest and Student Rec. During my interviews I tried to get as in depth as possible in order to figure out the most information about consumers’ habits and how they perceive the product. The most consistent alternatives to my product were either simply hiring a personal trainer or other workout apps that are free. This was clearly a factor, as all three didn’t want to pay a lot of money for a personal trainer and the reason they would choose my product over that was mainly if it was cheaper. This worked both ways, however, as they were also likely to choose a product that would be free is they were simply logging their workouts and caring less about the workout plan. Quality of workout plan’s made were also a factor, because I found if someone was paying money for the service they all wanted it to be comprehensive and provide tips on how to do the workout and what would be good nutritionally after. My product/service would have to be bought online through the apple store/google market and would be easily downloaded for convenience. As a result it would just be bought with credit and through their account. The factor they evaluated most in the “rightness” of the product was effective it was in terms of their workout goal. One of the people I interviewed wanted to cut weight, so if she dropped a certain amount of weight after the first cycle she would keep renewing her subscription. The same can be said for another potential consumer who wanted to put on weight; if he achieved his results and put on at least 5 pounds he would renew the subscription after the first month. I found that consumers in this segment will only pay the amount of money required for my app if the results achieved were better/similar to what they would have gotten with a trainer. If not, they would simply switch to a free/cheaper workout app that logs workouts or something similar rather than the full comprehensiveness.


  1. Hey Carson,
    I thought that this was an excellent post. I thought that you did a great job of being very thorough in the second round of the interview process. I thought that you also did a great job of comparing your product to other similar products, whether it was simply logging workout regiments, or going as far as hiring a personal trainer. I feel that your comparison, and well as your explanation and questioning of different products in the interview process have allowed you to pinpoint different future possibilities for your product. Great job on the post and keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Carson, great job on this post. I noticed that even though our proposed services are really quite different from one another's, it seems we both have encountered the same issue when it comes to alternatives, which is cost. You provided ample information on your findings and it seems like you are really making some progress with this project. I personally think these assignments really help us if we take it seriously. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hey Carson!

    Great job on this post, I appreciate the effort you made to make sure you got the most out of your interview. Understanding your customer's needs in depth is super important in figuring out how you can make yourself marketable. I definitely agree that the quality of workouts is a factor because there is a lot of free fitness apps online, however, the workouts are often really quick and simple movements. I really think its great that you make your product specialized toward a person’s fitness goal.


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