
Showing posts from October, 2018

Customer Avator

My customer avator is a 20 year old male who enjoys working out and doing physical activity. He probably drives a red nissan altima and watches shows like The Office or Parks and Rec. Assuming the young age, he probably has no kids but enjoys reading books like Harry Potter or Basketball and Other Things. He’s probably either more conservative or not involved in politics. He also probably wants to add more weight but has trouble putting on muscle. He also probably has a bad diet, and has a fast metabolism because of his weight. His ultimate goal is to get in shape and have a look big. I have a couple things in common with my customer, specifically the skinny part and the similar likes and interests. This is because one, we are similar in age, and two, a lot of the reason I came up with this idea was to solve solutions for people like me, who eat a lot or poorly and workout but never put on weight. For this reason, I don’t think it’s a coincidence, but rather something that came out as

Secret Sauce

Human capital is a large component people don’t factor in when they measure the value or worth of the business/person. The most successful businesses have the most value in the people that run them because they’re knowledge, skills, and abilities drive the business. That being said here are 5 of my unique human capital skills. Ambition - I believe I am very ambitious. I set high-reaching goals and a higher standard for myself and am going to push to get to those goals no matter what. I don’t allow being inexperienced, young, not as athletic, not as smart, or whatever to be an excuse; there is always a way to achieve the goal whether it is through yourself or others. People Person - I like to think I’m very good with people. I can connect with a variety of people and know when someone needs to be picked up and helped, or how to properly give constructive feedback. I enjoy talking and learning more about others, and am good at it. Tragedy - This is more of an experi

Figuring out buyer behavior part 2

For my second set of interviews I selected three separate friends who went to Southwest and Student Rec. During my interviews I tried to get as in depth as possible in order to figure out the most information about consumers’ habits and how they perceive the product. The most consistent alternatives to my product were either simply hiring a personal trainer or other workout apps that are free. This was clearly a factor, as all three didn’t want to pay a lot of money for a personal trainer and the reason they would choose my product over that was mainly if it was cheaper. This worked both ways, however, as they were also likely to choose a product that would be free is they were simply logging their workouts and caring less about the workout plan. Quality of workout plan’s made were also a factor, because I found if someone was paying money for the service they all wanted it to be comprehensive and provide tips on how to do the workout and what would be good nutritionally after. My prod

Halfway Reflection

A couple of the behaviours I’ve had to develop for this course were better time management and planning. While the assignments are due on the same time every week, often times I have events going on throughout the week or things to do on the day they are due, so I have to work ahead. In addition, I also look ahead and view the size of the assignment and then plan on how much I can fit in around the lectures and when I need to start it. Without things like this, the assignments can catch up and start to feel like a lot. On the specific assignment Testing the Hypothesis Part 2, I almost gave up on doing it because it seemed rather repetitive and I had a lot of other stuff going on that week with exams and extracurriculars. However, I pulled through and got the assignment done because I wanted to push the boundaries of my product. I was glad I did it, because the second part revealed more about the product and brought out new ideas like a better customer service page that I would’ve never

Reading Reflection

For my biography, I chose Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, Ashlee Vance. I chose him specifically because although he’s the most well known and most seen in the news, especially recently, I wanted to know some depth about him and his character. Maybe its because I never followed him seriously, but I pictured him having a very similar story to Steve Jobs, with Tesla being his baby project he started in his very own garage and grew it to what it is now. However, he actually has a very similar story to most entrepreneurs in the fact that the started multiple enterprises such as Zip2 or before he got involved with Tesla and SpaceX. This was also one of the things I most admired about him; the fact that he is involved in multiple industries and didn’t stop with Tesla shows his truest entrepreneurial spirit. Rather than simply make money, he seems more obsessed with starting and growing his ideas to benefit the world and isn’t afraid to take risks or try

Figuring out Buyer Behavior

Segment: People who workout at Southwest and Student Rec I interviewed three separate students, 2 who workout at Southwest and one who works out at Student Rec pretty often. I found there was need to be able to easily log workout info so you could see how much weight you were doing or if you missed a workout last week. In addition, they were all pretty keen on the fact that they would be getting personal tips from a trainer, without actually having to pay the money or take the time out of their day to hire one. Lastly, the fully comprehensive aspect was especially important, but it would only be useful if it was user friendly and not jumbled or cluttered like many apps. All that information would need to be visually pleasing while also efficient, something that's hard to do with such a large comprehensive app but effective if done right. I found that when one of the people had an issue with their workout, they would often google how to do a particular workout or what are goo

Idea Napkin

I am a very organized, ambitious person, and if I were to start this business I would want to see it grow and go far. The fact that I’m transitioning to a marketing major and that I’m in the business schools allows me to have a much more distinct and better ability to both market and run my business. I’ve also joined a marketing team for an organization, Project Makeover, on campus, along with having a marketing internship this summer. These experiences give me the ability on how to advertise and publicize my product, as well as have real life experience knowing what it takes to keep a brand’s image up using social media or other forms. FitTrend is both a product and a service; it’s an app that uses specific algorithms made from physical trainers to help customize workouts based on users body type. After a person inputs all their data, such as how much they weigh, how tall they are, how often they lift, and what they typically eat, FitTrend creates a monthly workout plan based on