Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

For my Testing the Hypothesis Part 2, I interviewed another set of different people. I used a different method this time, focusing on interviewing people I randomly met at Turlington/Marston or through mutual friends, as opposed to interviewing some people I actually knew. This gave me a greater range in my responses, allowing me to test the boundaries a little farther. For instance, I found that although there are plenty of people who like to workout, some would not like to my fitness app because they do not necessarily feel the need to spend extra money on a personal trainer. This was typically more experienced lifters, or those who only go to the gym for cardio rather than put on muscle. That helped me to realize what exactly made the boundaries different, as the need differed when it went from trying to get in shape and put on muscle like I had originally planned, to changing to a different need people would have such as a free app that maybe tracks heart rate or other health statistics someone would like to monitor while they work out. Talking to multiple people, however, affirmed the fact that there is an opportunity for this. Multiple interviewees want workouts based on their body type and be shown how to lift properly but not necessarily want to pay or take the time to get a multiple trainer. I found out why people need this opportunity, as the health craze rises and the social trends of our time encourage fitness and the image of washboard abs, big biceps, and other stereotypes. This, along with the rising rates in obesity and more access to gyms, is causing people to be more aware of their body and want to get into shape. Thus people are getting into lifting weights, and need guidance whether they’re a beginner or shaking off the rust.

Beginning Weight Lifters, Those who want to learn how to lift properly, people who want to get in shape
Experienced weight lifters, those who don’t want to pay a lot money, those who don’t care about fitting a certain image
To be healthy and have a good looking body,
An app that measures heart rates or something similar, a need for more personal trainers or expensive weight lifting sessions
A rise in a social trend of fitness, need to be healthier with rising obesity and diabetes rates
Some people don’t necessarily care about their image or health, some people don’t want to spend money on an app or log their workouts every day.


  1. Hey Carson,
    One of the biggest takeaways that I got from this assignment was that you did a great job in the interview process. It became clear to me that through your interviews you received information that could help you corner the group of people your product would target. I think that the fact that you were so thorough in your interviews will definitely help you grow your product and your brand in the long run. Great job!

  2. Hey Carson!

    Overall great post. I think it was really great that you interviewed random people you met at Turlington as I found finding new people the most challenging part of this assignment. I definitely think you would get a much greater range in the responses because it would take out all the biases from their answers. It is great that you realized the boundaries of your app and you realized who needed it, and who did not need it.


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