Local Opportunities

Title: Judges Need More Space

  The Tampa Bay Times reported in its Hernando County section that judges in downtown Hernando county need more room to operate. There’s been a conflict of space where they work, so their plan was to move to a Pinebrook property they owned which they would then renovate, but the plan fell through. However, they were supposed to have funding to build a new courthouse, but it appears they’re lacking it without a new sales tax or some other sort of revenue. This is an issue because the courthouse has not grown while the number of residents has, (50,000 to 180,000), and the number of cases as well. They need two new courtrooms; two judicial chambers, including hearing rooms; nearby holding cells; separate rooms for victims.

Problem and Who Has It:
  The biggest issue is the fact that the courtroom is not getting enough revenue to counteract there rise in expenses coming with this new courthouse. While they mention they thought about a sales tax or using impact fees to build it, the issue is that there’s simply no way for them to make enough money without getting government money or other means to build a new courthouse. This causes both the courthouse and the local residents to have this problem, as it creates a ripple effect in the community. Because they can’t go through cases faster, they can’t deal with as many local crimes or other cases, causing more headaches for local residents and slowing down the legal process.

Title: Ticketfly is Down. What’s Affected.

Story: The Times reported that an online ticket service vendor: Ticketfly, was having issues ordering and sending tickets for multiple people, as the site went down for a couple days and gave people error 404 message when they visited. Billboard reported that they were hacked, and that it should affect those going to Ticketfly associated venues such as the Attic or other places. It won’t be an issue for Amalie Arena, a huge venue, but nonetheless local places will suffer, to the point where co-owner of Attic Kevin Lilly is starting to rethink his relationship with the company.
Problem and Who Has It: The problem is that the website went down, any many people who have either bought tickets or are trying to buy some will have hard access getting theirs. This can cause them to have a miss certain show or performance, as the article listed at least 5 or 6 concerts at local venues. This becomes a problem for both local music fans and the venue owners, as the former can’t enjoy the product they purchased and the latter is going to have to either refund money or have a low turnout.

Title: Disappearing Lifestyle

Story: The article is about the Venetian Mobile Home court, a mobile home where residents started moving in as early as 1947. You can get a single wide trailer for about 1375, a cheap and affordable option for many of its local residents. However, as more and more trailer parks are being shut down, and soon the Venetian is going to be next. A local developer has bought the property and plans to build a wealth of apartments and other residential housing, scaring local residents. Some of them live there permanently, and don’t have the money to into an apartment. With the changing times, local residents such as Dorothy Clark and Doris Jones are worried about where they’ll be able to find affordable housing.
Problem and Who Has It:
  The problem is the fact that these residents are soon to be kicked out of they’re mobile homes, and are given no alternative to live. 1375 won’t get them a new apartment, and it can cost upwards of 6000 to transport a mobile home to another park. Even if one could afford the transportation cost, most mobile parks are shutting down. This is a huge problem that affects the residents who can’t afford to relocate or move somewhere else, and homelessness may soon be a way of life for them.

Title: District Needs More Teachers

 Local Hillsborough county intendants are trying a new method of helping underprivileged schools. They’re interviewing several teachers and trying to funnel services from wealthier areas to schools that teach kids in poverty to try and combat institutional racism. They are trying to take the best and even willing to take the second best resources as they shortage of teachers has an effect on them. Its hard to convince teachers to go to these underfunded schools that have significantly less resources than districts surrounded by wealth, which can lead to lower test scores and bad results for them.

Problem and Who Has It:
  The problem is for both the district administration and the tenants they serve. They need to find a way to get more teachers to come and work for ETO schools that way they can boost test scores and get more funding, which can give them more resources to help kids. However, when they don’t have enough resources it affects the kids education which can they have a huge trickle down effect to the community.


Story: The times reported that a local developer has bought a portion of the Tampa Bay called Rocky Point, and wishes to fill the land and build huge apartment style complexes similar to Davis Islands, which happened around the 1970s. While the developer argues that they could potentially improve the water quality, there is a large group that oppose this, including Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn himself. They claim it would cause environmental issues and depreciate water quality of the bay at a place specifically where they’re trying to clean up.  
Problem and Who Has It:

   The problem is the environmental risk it poses to the city of Tampa Bay. The place in which they are trying to develop is one that the city is trying to clean up already and improve the water quality, and they argue that developing there would completely destroy the point and worsen the water quality. In addition, it’s a manatee friendly zone and would harm their habitat as well. This affects all Tampa Bay residents, as damaging the water has several costs on the wildlife and ecosystem that could have ripple effects amongst the community.


  1. Hey Carson:
    I thought you did an excellent job on this assignment. One thing that really stood out to me was the fact that you were so thorough in your explanations of the potential opportunities that were presented to you. For example, in your opportunity statements, you provide us with actual prices and comparisons as well as names the names of people and places which simply made each opportunity easier to understand and recognize.

  2. Hi Carson! Good job on explaining the problems very specifically. When it comes to government issues however, it may be difficult to find a business solutions since the systems in place are unfair and very layered. Which is why the ETO schools have trouble finding enough teachers for their growing populations and dont receive enough allocations from the federal and state governments. Something that stood out to me is the article you mentioned about Ticketfly, and it is a good reminder that the web and apps are only so reliable. Good job bringing attention to these large-scale opportunities that effect the majority of people in this country!


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