My Entrepreneurship Story

My most impactful experience for entrepreneurship has been when I got to college and met some of my best friends. One of the members in my fraternity started his own business from the ground up in high school, creating a company called RDM: research, development, manufacturing, which basically invents things for people. When I met him in college it sparked the idea that you can really start and run your own business however you want. This got me and a couple other friends talking, and this summer we came very close to investing some of our saved up money into a new website that is basically expedia for fishing and hunting. We had actual investment meetings and laid out a plan, but postponed it as we wanted to find a better coder. Nonetheless, the pure potential of running and starting our own successful business was a thrill and super fun, and opened the door to entrepreneurship to me. I was required to take this class for my major, which was my main reason for signing up. However, upon watching the lectures and seeing some of the assignments it sparked an interest in me and am now super excited to take this. I hope to learn how to take concrete steps to starting my own business, as I really want to do this later in life and definitely manage my own company. In addition, I want to study entrepreneurs and identify common links and themes between them.


  1. Carson:
    I thought that this was an excellent post. I thought that it is very interesting that you actually know someone who is a true, real life, entrepreneur. I also agree with you in the sense that meeting someone who has actually started a business centered around providing new inventions to different people, has the power to reinforce the fact that we can do anything we set our minds to. I also like how even though you still are obligated to take this course, that there are alternative reasons that you signed up, like learning the steps required to create a successful business.

  2. I find it very interesting that you actually want to become an entrepreneur one day and have a company of your own. I don't have the same ambitions, but I have so much respect for you, because I know how difficult it is to be a successful entrepreneur, and if you continue your education and the plans you presented in the article there's no doubt in my mind that you will be successful one day. I think the idea for the business is genius. It's in a very specific field and market, but one that hasn't been tapped into yet touristically speaking. I appreciated this post a lot, Keep it up!


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