Solving the Problem

In my previous assignment I identified an opportunity for a mobile app that would help consumers workout better, as many did not want to spend the time or money to use personal trainers but still wanted good customizable workouts. My interviews showed that their was a demand for this product, as many of them did not want to interact with trainers or did not want to pay an hourly rate when they could just pay a cheaper monthly subscription to give them customized workouts.

My solution was a combination of both a product and a service. It would be a mobile app that requires you to put in personal data about how much you workout and your body type, as well as you knowledge about work outs. Afterwards, using either an algorithm created by physical trainers or having a set team of physical trainers who can analyze data, we would build custom workouts for the consumer and have a workout plan for the month. Each day we would have what exercises they need to do, as well as ways to log their data (how much weight, reps they do) and instructional videos next to them so they know how to properly workout. I would sell it as a monthly subscription, maybe including the first week or three days of workouts as a free trial and then required a 5-10 dollars fee every money, or yearly fee of 50 dollars. This would allow people to work out properly and effectively, and have workouts specific to their needs without paying an expensive hourly rate at a certain time.


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