
Showing posts from September, 2018

Elevator Pitch

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

For my Testing the Hypothesis Part 2, I interviewed another set of different people. I used a different method this time, focusing on interviewing people I randomly met at Turlington/Marston or through mutual friends, as opposed to interviewing some people I actually knew. This gave me a greater range in my responses, allowing me to test the boundaries a little farther. For instance, I found that although there are plenty of people who like to workout, some would not like to my fitness app because they do not necessarily feel the need to spend extra money on a personal trainer. This was typically more experienced lifters, or those who only go to the gym for cardio rather than put on muscle. That helped me to realize what exactly made the boundaries different, as the need differed when it went from trying to get in shape and put on muscle like I had originally planned, to changing to a different need people would have such as a free app that maybe tracks heart rate or other health stat

Solving the Problem

In my previous assignment I identified an opportunity for a mobile app that would help consumers workout better, as many did not want to spend the time or money to use personal trainers but still wanted good customizable workouts. My interviews showed that their was a demand for this product, as many of them did not want to interact with trainers or did not want to pay an hourly rate when they could just pay a cheaper monthly subscription to give them customized workouts. My solution was a combination of both a product and a service. It would be a mobile app that requires you to put in personal data about how much you workout and your body type, as well as you knowledge about work outs. Afterwards, using either an algorithm created by physical trainers or having a set team of physical trainers who can analyze data, we would build custom workouts for the consumer and have a workout plan for the month. Each day we would have what exercises they need to do, as well as ways to log thei

Testing the Hypothesis Part 1

I believe there is an opportunity for a mobile app/service that allows people to properly track their workouts, get advice from physical trainers, and get exercises customized towards their body type. The fitness craze has only been increasing, and with social media more prominent now more than ever, people want to look good but don’t want to spend the time and money to get a trainer to tell them how to work out. The Who: Consumers who work out often, specifically college students and young adults The What: They want to look good and more and more people are exercising while fitness products are rising The Why: Often not willing to pay or put in the time for a trainer to tell them how to workout and what they should do in for their body Interview 1: For my first interview I decided to interview a female student who I know works out a lot. She would benefit the most from a product like this, as she would be the prototypical customer. After explaining the product she did agree

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1. Economic Trend - Computer Science I believe many businesses will want computer science majors and those who are familiar with coding in languages such as JavaScript or HTML. I first discovered this when at my internship over the summer, as my boss explained to me how they often have to hire out to firms to help run their website, rather than being able to have someone in the company run it and save money. With the way the world is changing, we are constantly having new websites or pieces of technology, whether it be new apps, websites, programming computers, face technology, etc. To be able to code and be familiar with the language is essential for college students from marketing majors to engineers. I myself am a marketing major and currently run a student organization’s website, and I’m trying to learn coding because it will save a lot of time and money, and also make things like posting, adding widgets, and the entire process a lot easier. Engineers often have to program or r

Local Opportunities

Title: Judges Need More Space Link: Story:   The Tampa Bay Times reported in its Hernando County section that judges in downtown Hernando county need more room to operate. There’s been a conflict of space where they work, so their plan was to move to a Pinebrook property they owned which they would then renovate, but the plan fell through. However, they were supposed to have funding to build a new courthouse, but it appears they’re lacking it without a new sales tax or some other sort of revenue. This is an issue because the courthouse has not grown while the number of residents has, (50,000 to 180,000), and the number of cases as well. They need two new courtrooms; two judicial chambers, including hearing rooms; nearby holding cel


1. I believe that if we had more storage for scooters including a front compartment, we could make scooters lighter and have less weight, thus increasing acceleration and faster times. 2. There is a need for this; I drive a bintelli scorch, which is a larger, heavier scooter because it has a bigger back and larger storage compartment. These two things make it bulkier and thus, slower to accelerate and reach its top speed. There is a need to have fast scooters that accelerate quickly that way they don’t become a danger in areas of heavy traffic like university or 13th, two key places for students. This would be huge for off campus students, as they often have to traverse these roads with others cars easily reaching 30 35 in no time while heavy scooters often take a significantly longer amount of time to reach the speed limit. This need comes from the fact that scooters all have to have the same engine, and any bigger (which would allow for quicker acceleration), would classify i

My Entrepreneurship Story

My most impactful experience for entrepreneurship has been when I got to college and met some of my best friends. One of the members in my fraternity started his own business from the ground up in high school, creating a company called RDM: research, development, manufacturing, which basically invents things for people. When I met him in college it sparked the idea that you can really start and run your own business however you want. This got me and a couple other friends talking, and this summer we came very close to investing some of our saved up money into a new website that is basically expedia for fishing and hunting. We had actual investment meetings and laid out a plan, but postponed it as we wanted to find a better coder. Nonetheless, the pure potential of running and starting our own successful business was a thrill and super fun, and opened the door to entrepreneurship to me. I was required to take this class for my major, which was my main reason for signing up. However, u

Bug List

1. Everytime I order food at Starbucks at the Reitz Union or anywhere on campus it takes significantly longer to get than my coffee or drink. This exists because they have a priority for drinks and have multiple staffers working them as opposed to one or two working on the food. 2. My sunglasses are stylish, clubmaster Ray Ban’s, and fit well and have a good design and feel. However, they are easily susceptible to being broken as a result of the thin frames and small lens. This is because they are supposed to have a certain design to them and is simply the product style, but nonetheless the glasses are still easily broken. 3. The change in the Apple headphone jack causes me to have two separate headphones and constantly keep track of one for my computer and one for my phone. This exists because Apple took out the headphone port in all of the newer phones, but not in the newer computers. 4. My scooter is significantly heavier than other scooters and thus takes longer to accele