Failure Is Good

Failure is something that is initially hard to take at first, but is beneficial in the long term. Something that happened with me specifically this semester that relates to failure was when I didn’t do well on my first financial accounting exam. It was the first one at the beginning of the semester and I didn’t realize how to properly study for that class nor the tests. I simply thought that because I was doing the homework I didn’t have to study as much for so I wasn’t adequately prepared. It was good that it happened at the start of the semester, however, as it taught me how much work it would take to get a good grade in the class and I took that principle forward in order. I decided to devote more time to the second exam and studied different materials and ended up getting a 90, and plan on doing the same for the third exam. Failure is something that is essential to every aspect of life because of the process it makes you learn, and the harder the failure, the better you learn. The only part is making you sure you have proper coping mechanisms such as talking about it or therapy or whatever it may be so you recover. In my case, I had a failed relationship with one of family members that I couldn’t repair before he passed, and it hit hard. However, I was able to eventually recover and learned how to properly deal with something so bad, and figured out how to be hit hard, learn from the experience, and then apply it to the future. This class has only further showed me how helpful it can be, especially in terms of starting a business and chasing new ideas and jobs. Whether it be from someone like Elon Musk or Scott Adams or even just an assignment, I’ve found that the only way to be successful is to take things from your past experiences and failures and apply them to the future, and to not be afraid to be adventurous or try new things because it’s really the only way to expand your mind. This has 100 percent made me more likely to take risks, as I’m already planning on starting a new real estate business with some of my friends once we graduate.


  1. Hey Carson, great job with this post. I personally enjoyed this assignment because I realize how important it is to recognize your failures and learn from them so that it doesn't happen again. For me, failure can be really hard to swallow but it is what pushes me to work even harder. It seems like you have a similar mindset. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Carson,
    I thought that you did a great job on this post. I actually thought that this was a great assignment, because I feel like the ability to recognize your failures, and then take actions to better yourself, can be a very good way of becoming a better and more successful person. I also liked the point you made about whether it is a normal person, or someone like an Elon Musk, everyone looks back on past experiences in order to try and better themselves in the future. Great job and keep up the great work!

  3. Hey Carson!

    Great post. I think Failure is something that we all have to accept and face eventually. I think for sure Failure is hard to accept at first, but after that initial shock, it is a learning opportunity. I can completely understand with your accounting exam, accounting here at UF is especially hard. But you learn to grow and move on!


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