Final Reflection

I think my most formative experience was the venture capital assignment. That’s really the first time that I had to completely look my business all the way up and down and identify the opportunity, how I’m going to meet that need, and why people would do that. When you think about starting a business people often first think to raising money or something similar, yet no one really thinks about how you’re going to first identify the need and the opportunity that you must meet. It completely changed the way that I perceived starting a business and it definitely taught me a lot. I also learned a lot from the elevator pitches as they taught me how to speak well in front of others but also was a lot of fun to see how that process worked. I really do believe that I’ve developed more of an entrepreneurial mindset, as the way I perceive things and opportunities really has changed. I wouldn’t call myself a complete entrepreneur because I haven’t started my own business, but I’ve definitely made steps in the right direction. I would recommend to future students that they get really involved and take the process of this class seriously. The more you put out of it the more you’ll get it. Also, I know I’ve missed a couple deadlines myself, and would recommend them either setting reminders for mid friday or get it done earlier in the week. In order to better foster the mindset, I would say choose a product that you’re very passionate about or business you really want to start, as it will drive you to work that much harder in every aspect. I would ask for a bit more time, or a couple more brainstorming experiences to help us pick our business, but overall the class was very teaching.


  1. Hey Carson, very interesting that you thought the venture concept assignments were your most formative experience in this class! I can see why it is a very influential one, as it is sort of the culmination of everything we worked on throughout this semester. It was really interesting reading this reflection and I think you and I have very similar takeaways from this course. Thanks again for sharing and best of luck to you!

  2. Hey Carson,
    I thought that you did a great job on this reflection. One thing that really stuck out to me, was the advice that you would give to future students, mostly because it was the same advice that I would give to future students. To me, there is no denying the fact that this class can help students become successful entrepreneurs, business people, and human beings. That being said, while this class can help a lot, it is contingent on the amount of work that students are willing to put in. The more work they put in, the more value they will receive from the course. Great post!


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